Monday, January 19, 2009

This jouney has taken me to Baja Sur in Mexico and a small town call El Chorro, the squirt. Named for the either the local hot spring or the local taco stand. It is a chaming place with cows and gringos roaming free.

I am staying at Kina Freedom Retreats,, helping on a sustainable, offgrid, retreat center. We have planted a garden and are watching the seedling sprout through the soil to grow and feed us. I was visited by a garden Angel who came to me as dove to remind me to feed the garden with love. Everyday I am being educated on the workings of a sustanable life.

Our days begin with a mediation and end with hot spring. We cook on an open fire and I did my first batch of hand laundry in a five gallon bucket. It is great to spend most days commpletly immersed in nature, eating local produce and enjoying the local community.

The work continues with dreams and shifitng. The other day the dark masculine came to me to play in dreamtime. In the morning I knew it had to be honored which I did in a sand painting and felt something shift.

I like it here and am resonating with land.

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