Saturday, September 20, 2008

Global Fire Vigil Weekend - Saturday update

The fire burns!  

Today we had a sacred drama for the healing of the world and brought to the fire our lessons to go out into the world.  We also had a conversation with our future generation, seven generations into the future.  There was much hope and love in this connection.  We also brought these gifts to the fire to share with you all.

Tonight, we prepare to receive the Taitanchi Ranti, Creator Rites, from the Q'ero and to be taken on a Wonder Voyage in a happy ship of fools to the other lands by our Irish delagation.  Wish us luck on our journeys.  

We hope that all is well with your fires and we send our love and blessings.

Con Munay,



Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing the in-person Global Fire Vigil explains a lot. The energy you all have been sending out has been incredible. Last night it was very clear that the Vigil Fire had started.

Tonight as I simply engaged in my own work, I explored the weaving together of the energies of yasintin and masintin throughout my home. It has been a discovery of shifting and reweaving the balance passed down through my family line...I am aware of the influence of generations and yet the feel of this moment is fresh and opening for the generations to come and also those who came before, as well as ourselves and simply All. It is a new potential emerging, so it made perfect sense you all were engaging the Taitanchis.

I am birthing in physicality a Heart-Soul Sanctuary and feeling simultaneously a ripple of shifting, of potentiality, brought out by the group...I am deeply grateful for our allyu, for all at both the local and distance fires...for all participating, both physical and nonphysical.

Thank you Bob for joining our local and nonlocal engagements through this blog, and a special thank you to Wake and Kinlen for your continued stewardship in Beauty and ayni. I would greatly appreciate it if you would give a hug to Don Francisco and Don Humberto for me...the energetic flavor they are contributing is exquisite.

I looking forward to hearing about the Wonder Voyage :).

Con mahalo y munay soncco,

Unknown said...

This morning Ravens were doing fly-bys over the house...cawing and flying to the North and East...ending with them cavorting in flight all over the East.

I have a connection with Raven but have not had this happen the past they have perched nearby, flown in and then out...but this morning was about pure flight and the East...with the North contributing energy...

Thank you, my brothers and sisters, for all the work and ceremony and allyu...Raven is a carrier of healing energy from's so clear we're interconnected...and visioning the world into being...

May our work lovingly benefit the seven generations to well as all beings in all realms...Ho!

Tuku munay niyok!