What an incredible week here at Wakewood leading up to the Global Fire Vigil.
We have just finished three days or ceremony with the Q’ero. Don Francisco and Don Humberto are here with Wake and Kinlen in ceremony as we hold space and continue our sacred work in this community.
We have had folks here representing four continents, North America, South America, Australia and Ireland, err, I mean Europe.
We have had claimed our light at a fire ceremony and enriched our community by recognizing the gifts of this world that we are stewards of.
We have received the Pampa Mesayok, Day Keeper, Alto Mesayok, Wisdom Keeper and Kurak Akuyek, Earth Keeper rites.
We have connected our Apus, mountians, with all the mountains of our community and were cheered on by whales as we did.
We created a dispacio to carry the seeds of our becoming beyond the world to the universe. And watched it burn as we told the story of the world.
We have created a world mandala to to shine our light, our love and our being into the world, as a despacio and saw the Mamachoca, ocean, come and accept our prayers to carry forward.
Last night we enjoyed a performance of didjeridu by Tyler Spencer who made an incredible contemporary sound with an ancient instrument.
And we are still hours away from lighting the fire.
Exciting times!
I will be live blogging during the weekend to keep our community posted. We have set up the Beyond Infinity Bob blog that will allow you all to reach it and comment on your experiences.
Below is a description of the event. Please join us if you can.
Peace, love and light,
The Gathering of Shaman:
Global Vigil Fire
Co-created by Wake and Kinlen Wheeler, and the Global Ayllu of trained Shaman, including Don Francisco, and Don Humberto of the Q’eros.
September 19-21, 2008
This fall, over the Equinox weekend, we will be joining together again to continue to weave the New Global Tapestry. We will bring together all our hearts desires and visions of what the world can be. We will join each other in the fire and offer this weaving of visionary threads out to the Universe to conspire and co-create with us. Last year we had over 50 fires connected in this beautiful dream. Many of us feel this is the work we were born to do.
The Vigil Fire will begin Friday around 8 pm, Pacific Time and be tended by shaman, and dreamed through until Sunday at noon Pacific Time.
You may participate in any form you wish. Some people gather together in small groups, others prefer to dream in personal meditation. Some have a large bon fire, others a small fire, others create an alter with candles. Some use sacred drama to help shift or miqui heavy energy for the collective, some play music, dance, sing, etc… This is your opportunity to create a gift for the world and send it out in your own unique way.
What we have noticed in doing world work:
Wake and I have found, as with most shamanic work, that it is important to work through our selves, and be careful not to project on to the earth. It is important that if we feel the earth has been damaged, that we look for that damage within and use our shamanic tools to work with it there.
We have also found that if you have done much of your personal work, you have already contributed to the cleansing of energy in the world. It is now time to plant new seeds, nurture them, and dream big. All gardens have little weeds, but if we use our time always weeding, we have just barren ground. We need to spend most of our time planting and tending the seeds of our vision.
World Map we have a big world map showing all the participants names/locations. We will share our experience through e-mail. If you intend to join this vigil fire, please e-mail your name, location and comments to me, so you can be included on the Map, and in the e-mail communications.
HYPERLINK "mailto:kinlen@sacredpathways.us" kinlen@sacredpathways.us.
We’ll see you in the fire,
Much love and Blessings,
Kinlen and Wake
I'll have a fire burning in the east and my prayers are with you.
thanks so much Bob for posting your blogs on the facebook page, i was very moved by your posts
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